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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present: R. Bates, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Members Absent: C. Stanovich

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

PUBLIC HEARING  Continued  Definitive Subdivision Bullard Estates/Casa Builders: The Dept. of Education reimbursement for the sewer line is still not resolved. The applicant is asking for a continuance to March 14, 2006, and filing with the Town Clerk to March 30, 2006. C. Prager motioned to approve. R. Ritter seconded. W. Ritter abstained. All in favor. D. Lindberg will not be at the next meeting.

PUBLIC HEARING  Definitive Subdivision Sheffield Way Extension/Beehive Builders: R. Bates read the Public Hearing notice into record. R. Ricker reminded the Board that he previously recused himself from the preliminary hearing, and there is no longer a conflict of interest.

The applicant is looking for approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for an extension of the existing Sheffield Way to create a new cu de sac, and four building lots. A preliminary approval was given over a year ago. A staff meeting was conducted on February 16th, a build-out plan has not been received yet, and DPW has requested a reevaluation of the hydraulic calcs to include the entire watershed to determine if the detention pond is oversized.

The presentation was conducted by Maureen Finlay, Finlay Engineering.

Public Comments:

·         Jeff Hazelwood, 27 Sheffield Way: Has concerns regarding the detention pond. D. Nason, DPW, has not received the revised plans yet. P. Harding outlined Staff meeting comments from February 16th, and read Chief Edward Starks concerns into record. D. Nason stated that the detention pond is extremely large. He asked then to reevaluate the whole contributing water shed. The pond is approximately 4 deep.

·         Ellen Cawley: 24 Sheffield Way: Has concerns regarding icing and drainage.

·         Elizabeth Doyle, 28 Sheffield Way: also concerned with drainage issues. D. Nason said that is an issue of concern that will be checked into.

·         Howard Doyle, 28 Sheffield Way: Addressed the Board regarding water problems in the cul de sac.

Board Comments:

·         R. Ricker would like to see a lighting plan and schematics, the engineers review, and a discussion of the island issues.

·         O. Lies: Also has issues regarding an island.

·         C. Prager: Asked the applicant to use the best practice possible regarding the detention pond.

·         W. Ritter: Has issues with the size and depth of the detention basin with the close proximity to houses, drainage issues, and would like to see a condition that work is to be completed in a                   timely fashion.

·         D. Lindberg: Agrees with all the Boards comments.

·         R. Bates: Would like to see a natural buffer to the detention pond maintained.

R. Ricker motioned to continue the Public Hearing to March 28, 2006, with an April 9th filing deadline, and revised information to DPW by March 14th. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.

PUBLIC HEARING Continued  Special Permit Definitive Subdivision  Wachusett Woods: Town staff and the Conservation Commission required revised plans reflecting changes. The Board has letters addressed to the applicant addressing affordability issues, and a summary of items raised at the last meeting with the applicants response. The applicant was made aware that a Board member was absent. The applicant wished to go forward with the Special Permit Hearing, along with a request for an extension of time.

Jonathan Finkelstein, Attorney for Holden Heights, gave an overview of the issues. DCR would not permit the portion of the one way roadway because the area is located in a primary watershed zone and existing conditions currently exceed the 10% impervious area maximum. Karl Hultgren, Quinn Engineering introduced the new/revised plan with a double barrel roadway. He also discussed Fire Chief Starks recommendations, Mr. Stark submitted an e-mail stating that it was not the most ideal condition but if the double barrel roadway way increased from 18 to 20 it would be an acceptable situation. .

Board Comments:

·         R. Ricker stated that double barrel roadways are a safety hazard, and sidewalks are an issue.

·         O. Lies said a wider entrance would be better.

·         C. Prager brought up the necessity for sidewalks.

·         W. Ritter said if Chief Stark was ok with the plan, then the Board should also be. He recommended sending the plans onto T & T March 9th as a courtesy.

·         D. Lindberg stated that signage and lighting would be needed.

·         R. Bates understood maintenance and DPW plowing concerns with islands in cul de sacs. The applicant still has to go through ConCom, drainage calculations, plans, sidewalks, and a bus stop are also  needed.

R. Ricker motioned to continue the Public Hearing to March 28th, with changes submitted by March 14th, and filing with the Town Clerk by April 9th. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.


·         Bullard St.  Town of Holden: The Town of Holden is purchasing a small portion of property from a 20 acre parcel to construct an electrical substation on Bullard Street. No new lots are being created. R. Ricker motioned to approve as submitted. C. Prager seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.

·         299 Quinapoxet St  Loretta Dunn & Rita Novack: The applicants are creating one lot with an existing house from a 50 acre parcel located in an R-1 Zoning District. R. Ricker motioned to approve with the condition that a locus map needs to be added to the plan. C. Prager seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.

CHAPTER 61A Release Howatt Property  Chapin Rd: LAM Builders has entered into a Purchase and Sale agreement with Mr. Howatt for 1.75 million dollars. LAM is interested in constructing a 15 lot limited subdivision and granting the Town a Conservation Restriction. The Planning Board will send a letter of recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.

BOND REDUCTION  Village at Westminster Place: DPW is recommending the bond be reduced from $902,904.05 to $608,403.82. R. Ricker motioned to move for discussion purposes, the Board questions the time table for the improvements to Newell Road and why the bond did not include this work, the reduction request was continued to the March 14, 2006 meeting. W. Ritter seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.

D. Nason, DPW, will check to see if there is a separate bond in place for the site work. P. Harding will check to see what the Board previously voted as a time frame. R. Ricker retracted the motion.


·         Affordable Partnership Committee: P. Harding informed the Board that the meeting went very well.

·         Master Plan: The committee will meet March 7, 2006

·         C. Prager: Stated that the Affordable By laws should be reviewed, and will be put on the April 11th agenda.

·         D. Lindberg informed the Board that Paul Germano, Stone Ridge Estates, has extended an invitation to the Board to review the property.

NEXT MEETINGS: March 14, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned at 9:05 PM.

February 28, 2006 meeting minutes approved: March 28, 2006


Debra A. Sciascia

Recording Secretary